Genuine Replacement Toilet Parts
American Standard Genuine Replacement Toilet Parts
American Standard available toilet by model. We have set up this page in two sections, complete toilet model number and toilet tank number. American Standard One-Piece Toilet models usually begin with "2xxx" and will usually have the model number stamped inside the tank or under the lid. Please use this helpful toilet model chart to help find genuine replacement parts. American Standard Two-Piece Toilets usually post the corresponding Tank Number under the lid or inside the tank. If you have a model number that begins with "4xxx", please see the Toilet Models and Tank Reference Guide.
- OLD STYLE - ONE PIECE AND TWO PIECE PDF GUIDE This guide has links to all parts available for older style American Standard one and two piece toilets.
- New Toilet - 1.6 and 1.28 GPF Repair Parts Quick Chart
- American Standard Genuine Replacement Toilet Models and Tank Reference Guide